Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome Back Volunteers!!

The Award Office is soon going to be exorbitantly energetic. Volunteers will be back from there Examination break. It has always been easy sailing with them. Unforgettably, they are the pioneers of the Award Programme and with their go hardihood; we would take the Award Programme at zenith.

Looking forward to having fun with them and challenging young people together!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Award Weekly Soon To Complete 50 Editions!

Our very own Award Weekly is 32 weeks Old now. Its constant growth and cultivation has been stupendously remarkable.The letter has been One Stop Shop for every happening in the Award World.Every episode brings you close to the Award Family. Adding to your amazement, India is the only country following it perpetually.

Let us Raise a Toast to the vigorous efforts made by Nivi and Team Award India.
